2024 Surviving the Holidays Invite List | | |
'25 Re:generation | Ministry led by Terri Pugsley
Men's group/s led by Kevin Pugsley
Women's group/s led by Donna Smith | |
'25 Re:generation Men's Group | Join us for a discipleship program based on the 12 steps of recovery. Through re:generation, you'll find support for all your hurts, habits, and hang ups. Our opening night is Wednesday, January 29 at 6:30 pm so stop by to learn more. The deadline for new participants is February 5 and we will meet for 10 months. | |
'25 Re:generation Women's Group | Join us for a discipleship program based on the 12 steps of recovery. Through re:generation, you'll find support for all your hurts, habits, and hang ups. Our opening night is Wednesday, January 29 at 6:30 pm so stop by to learn more. The deadline for new participants is February 5 and we will meet for 10 months. | |
Cancer Support Group | For those whose lives are touched by cancer. Click the interested button below and we will connect you with this supportive and loving community. | |
Counselor Info List | List of professional to send Recovery/Care info | |
Denise Walker's Group | closed:
I totally forgot that I told you I would email you on Monday. The past two days were rather busy. I have 10 who said they will do my bible study. Moms and four daughters. I am still hoping another daughter or two will do it. | |
Estudio Biblico en Espanol | Led by Karina Nunez. Starts 1/8/2025. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm in room 121. | |
Exploring the Bible | Wednesdays at 6:30 pm starting January 22nd. Not sure where to get started in reading the Bible? Join us as we explore basic Bible studies and learn how to approach the scripture. | |
Exploring the Bible | Led by Matthew Haagen
Room 105CD | |
From This Day Forward Marriage Group | Starting January 26th at 6 pm, meeting at FCC. Every marriage is valuable and worth investing in. Join us as we gather for this short term group to fail-proof our marriages. We’ll study From This Day Forward by Craig and Amy Groeschel to help us discover richer, deeper, and more authentic marriages. Childcare provided. Please register in advance by clicking on the "Interested" button below! | |
Future Potential Participants | | |
Grief Journey | Grief Journey is a new 8-week formatted group for grieving adults, designed around the unique needs of the group. This ministry is open to the community and free of charge. We meet at FCC-JC room 105B, 6:00pm-8:00pm, Wednesdays, Feb. 19, 2025-April 9, 2025. Must register by Feb. 19, 2025. Consistent attendance is expected. Led by Chris Osborne. Meets in 105B | |
Grit Don't Quit | Led by Denise Walker & Leona Morelock
Meets in Room 105E | |
Home Group: Depler | A post-college group for young adults in their 20s-30s. We eat dinner together and then do a Bible study. We meet in a home at 6:30 pm on Mondays - click the "Interested" button below and we'll send you our meeting address. | |
Home Group: Galante/Nelson | A co-ed group for people in their late 20s and early 30s. We meet at 10 am on Saturdays to eat breakfast together and then dive into a Bible study! Click the "Interested" button and we'll send you the address of our meeting place. | |
Home Group: Greer | This welcoming group is for all ages. We are studying the books of Philemon and Philippians, starting Monday, January 20th at 6 pm.
We meet at a home so click the "Interested" button below and we'll send you the address! | |
Home Group: Long (Young Couples) | For couples in their 20s and 30s, meeting every other Wednesday night. Click the interested button below and we'll send you the address and next meeting time! | |
Home Group: Somich (Men's) | For men of all ages! This is a new group that meets on Fridays at 8:00 am. Join us for Bible study, fellowship, and biscuits! We'll be studying from the book of Matthew starting on Friday, February 7. Led by John Somich. | |
Home Group: Teague | This group is for anyone searching for a community of people to grow closer to God and others. For people in their later 20s to early 30s. We eat dinner together before doing a Bible study. Click the "Interested" button below and we'll send you the address of our meeting place. | |
Kids Day Camp 2024 Registered Kids | | |
Love Does Zoom Group | Non-FCC attender: Zilipah Cruz | |
Men's Wed Night | Men of all ages are invited to join us for Bible study and fellowship, on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm,
Room 104A. Led by Greg Hunt. Starts back 1/8/2024. This is a unique group that combines weekly study with camaraderie and accountability. Studying the book of Matthew. | |
Mental Health Support Group | The mental health support group meets in the prayer room on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm,starting on January 22. This is a weekly support group with emphasis on handling and overcoming anxiety in various life situations. | |
Morris/Hyatt Co-Ed Group | A welcoming Wednesday group for all ages that is currently studying the book "Heaven is Real" by Chip Ingraham. Meets Wednesdays, 6:30pm – 8:00pm in room
Group Leaders: Tom and Janice Morris, Bobby and Tammy Hyatt | |
Multicultural Dialogues | Meets the second Monday of each month. Starts back on 1/13/2025. All are welcome. FCC Library, 7:00-8:00pm. The multicultural group at FCC is a space created to spark conversation on how God is moving in people's lives from diverse backgrounds. This is FCC's pursuit of experiencing the Kingdom of God as illustrated in Rev. 7:9. This group is an outlet for individuals form diverse backgrounds to discuss cultural diversity topics, share their cultural traditions, and reach our friends looking for a spiritual community in our area.
This group is perfect for people who would like to tell their story, specifically from the context of their cultural background. This group is also great for those who would like to learn more about groups of people they would otherwise not be exposed to. | |
Mushayamunda Zoom Group | Join us for our Wednesday night Zoom Bible study as we journey through the book of Matthew, learning and growing in faith together from home. Our group starts on January 29th at 6:45 pm. If interested, please click the "interested" button and we will send you the link to join. | |
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) | Groups for:
1/ Friends and family of those affected by Mental Illness
2/ Individuals with Mental Illness | |
New Group Collection | This is a new Group Collection. | |
New Group Collection | This is a new Group Collection. | |
Not A Fan Study | We are doing a 7 week study of Kyle Idleman's book Not A Fan. Due to the COVID-19 virus, it will meet via zoom room 4232325704. If the stay-at-home order is lifted before May 18, we will meet at the home of Kathy Smith at 131 Quail Ridge Way, Jonesborough. | |
Parent Conversations | Learn how to be the leading discipleship influence in your child's life. Geared towards parents of middle and high schoolers, we will meet on January 22 and January 29 at 6:30 pm at FCC to hear from Michael & Grace Ann Hance, Ethan & Betsy Magness, and John & Brooke Emmert. | |
Service Group: FCC Knitters | The FCC Knitters welcomes all skill levels, offering a warm and friendly space to work on both group projects and solo creations while sharing creativity and connections. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, from 2-4:00pm. Led by Rochelle Imboden. | |
Service Group: Flower Ministry | The FCC Flower Ministry delivers flowers to the residents of Abundant Christian Living Center every 4th Monday at 3:45pm. Flower arrangers meet in the FCC Kitchen at 1:00 to prepare the flowers. This is a family friendly ministry. | |
Service Group: Handy Man Ministry | The Handy Man Ministry is made up of FCC volunteers of all skill levels. This ministry is designed to help single ladies, widows, and the elderly in the FCC community who has a need relating to their home that they cannot fulfill themselves. It is limited to repairs, yard work, home chores, and light construction work. | |
Service Group: Melting Pot | Help provide & serve lunch for 200 people at the Melting Pot c/o Good Samaritan Ministries in Downtown JC. Meets on the third Thursday at 10:00 AM. Call Steve Shoun or Kathy Smith for more details. | |
Service Group: Ministry to Unhoused Neighbors | This service group at FCC provides food to Johnson City's food insecure and unhoused population. Serving will be from 4:00-5:00pm. Contact Brandon Church for ways to get involved! bchurch@fcc-jc.org | |
Small Groups: 2nd Thursday Women's Group | Studying "He Speaks to Me" by Priscilla Shirer. Join us as we enjoy fellowship and dive into the word of God together! Leaders: Karen Keplinger and Janice Bowman. Meets in Mountcastle 1C, from 6-8pm on the second Thursday of each Month. | |
Small Groups: Blackmore Women's | For women of all ages. Join us Thursday, Jan. 30, through April 17, at 9:00-10:30 am. We'll study "30 Days with Jesus" by Lisa Terkeurst. This study will show us how we can see Jesus throughout the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We'll make connections between the Old and New Testaments so we can see the Bible as one complete story and so we can see how Jesus is present in our lives still today. After this, we will study Habakkuk for 3 weeks. | |
Small Groups: Mayberry | The Mayberry small group is on Sunday nights from 5-6:30pm, with childcare available. The group is focused on study, community, and service. Meetings start on March 2nd, and continue weekly with regularly scheduled breaks for rest and service. Contact us for meeting location. | |
Small Groups: Smith Women's | Women of all ages are invited to join us for a time of Bible Study and fellowship on Tuesday mornings from 9-10:30am in room 104. Childcare is provided upon request. Leaders are Kathy Smith and Linda Hammons. | |
Small Groups: Webb Women's Zoom | Women's Zoom group open for all ages led by Dawn Webb. We meet on Wednesdays at 6:45 pm, and we're currently studying Ephesians by Jackie Hill Perry. If interested, click the "interested" button, and we will send you the zoom link. | |
Small Groups: Women's Find a Fit | An interactive women's group that incorporates fellowship and study of God's Word, catching up and praying for one another, and some sort of activity including taking a walk, a craft, or a visit to a local coffee shop. We meet every other Saturday morning from 9-10:30, Mountcastle 1C. | |
Stephenson's Neighborhood Group | | |
Stewarts' Neighborhood Group | | |
Sunday Group: College Age | Sundays at 9:45am in room 105CD. Led by Skylan Stephens. Come join us for Bible study and fellowship! | |
Sunday Group: Young Adult | A Sunday group for Young Adults just out of college. We meet at 9:45 in Mountcastle 1-D. Led by Annalea Hines. | |
Sunday School Class: Anchor | Bible study with application for being a Christ-follower in today's world. Taught by Dr. Lee Magness and team. Currently studying the book of Matthew. Lecture and discussion-based. We meet on Sundays at 9:45 am. | |
Sunday School Class: Beyond the Surface | Currently studying Matthew, a chapter per week. We are a group of people on a journey together to dig deeper into God's word. Lecture and discussion-based. We meet at 9:45 on Sundays at FCC. | |
Sunday School Class: BridgeBuilders | Bridgebuilders primarily consists of adults in their 60s and 70s who are learning, growing, and worshiping together while sharing each other's laughter and burdens. We enjoy being actively involved in service projects and service opportunities as a class. The teaching topics vary between a book of the Bible and a topic of interest. We meet at 9:45 on Sundays. | |
Sunday School Class: Dash | “Making the most of your Dash.”
An Adult small group living out their Dash studying scripture, fellowship, and various acts of service. We serve with our Ministry to Unhoused Neighbors, and we're currently studying the book of Matthew. We meet weekly at 11:15 am on Sundays. | |
Sunday School Class: PrimeTime | PrimeTime consists primarily of people in their 50s-70s. Join this group as we study and grow in God's Word together. We meet Sundays at 11:15 am at FCC. | |
Sunday School Class: Spanish / Clase de escuela Domingo: Español | A Bible study in Spanish. We meet at 10:30am in room 121 on Sundays.
Estudio bíblico en español. Reunion a las 10:30 am en el salón 121 los domingos. | |
Sunday School Class: The Bible Project | This class is for all ages. We meet for the purpose of studying, knowing, and applying the scripture. Lecture-based. Currently studying Matthew. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays. | |
Sunday School Class: Win-A-Kuple | The Win-A-Kuple class is a caring group of seniors, both couples and singles. We study a variety of topics and ways of sharing God’s Word. If you’re looking for a class where you can learn and grow in your faith, share with others, and have a great time doing so, we’d love to have you. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays. | |
Tabletop Gaming Group 1 | FCC's Tabletop Gaming Group is a way to meet others at our church who also like to play role-playing games. We currently have two tables going on alternating on Monday nights in the Mountcastle Center room 1C. We would love to meet you and find a way for you to come and join the table. Meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays. Leader: John Stephenson. | |
Tabletop Gaming Group 2 | FCC's Tabletop Gaming Group is a way to meet others at our church who also like to play role-playing games. We currently have two tables going on alternating on Monday nights in the Mountcastle Center room 1C. We would love to meet you and find a way for you to come and join the table. Meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Leader: TJ Way. | |
Tony Smith's Zoom Group | Meets on Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30, currently studying Matthew. Led by Tony Smith. Contact us for the zoom link. | |
Wed Night Co-Ed Group | A Co-Ed group that meets weekly for an in-depth Bible study in Room 103B | Wednesday nights | 6:30-8:00pm.
Led by Tom Morris & Bobby Hyatt. Will start back on 1/8/2024. Studying the book of Romans. | |
Wed Night Onsite Groups | | |
Wednesday Women's Grit Don't Quit Group | This is a new women's group for all ages, meeting Wednesdays at 6:30-8:00pm in room 105B. We'll be studying "Grit Don't Quit" by Bianca Olthoff. The Bible talks a lot about topics like perseverance, endurance, and grit. One of the grittiest people in the Bible was the apostle Paul. In this 6-week Bible study, we will dive into the stories of Paul and others who have come before us to show how they overcame challenges and weariness. Join us as we learn how to keep going by depending on God's strength. | |
Widows/Widowers | | |
Women's Co-Dependency Home Group | March 2022: Fear Fighting: Awakening courage to overcome your fears - by: Kelly Balarie
Early Fall study: One Month to Live
Late Fall study: Battle Ready: Train your mind to conquer challenges, defeat doubt, and live victoriously - by: Kelly Balarie | |
Women's Wednesday Night Group | Led by Denise Walker and Leona Morelock. Starts 1/15/2025. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm. Studying "Grit don't Quit". | |
Young Adult Group | | |
Young Adult SYMBIS | | |
Young Moms | Led by Katie Johnson. Contact leader for meeting day/time. Studying: "Survival Guide to Motherhood: The Parenting Pep Talk Every Christian Mom Needs" (by Karen Stubbs). | |