Our staff loves to serve God and God's people in any way we can.
If you have general questions or you’re not sure who to contact, email
info@fcc-jc.org and someone will reach out to you shortly!

Lead Team

John Emmert

Discipleship & Programming Lead Minister

Nikki Hunt

Executive Minister

Betsy Magness

Worship & Communications Lead Minister

Ethan Magness

Senior Minister

Emily Spencer

Executive Assistant


Peter Nelson

Creative Director/Area Lead

David Depler

Media Designer

Annette Teague

Communications Coordinator


Megan Depler

Middle School Minister

Konnor Donahue

Lead Children’s Minister

Blake Ellis

High School Minister

Grace Goehner

Interim FCC Kids Ministry Assistant

Will Owen

Student Ministry Resident


Janet Galante

Groups Minister/Area Lead

Lisa Blankenship

Care and Short Term Groups Minister

Matthew Haagen

Groups Resident

Andrea Hodges

Member Care Minister

Mike Imboden

Top Two Minister

Donald Mushayamunda

Pastoral Care Minister

Skylan Stephens

College Minister

Phil Torbett

Pastoral Care Minister


Buddy Arnold

Facilities Director

Susan Imboden

Weekday Preschool Director

Cindy Jessee

Business Clerk

Becky Little

Office Manager

Sharon Malone

Business Manager

Ronnie Russell

Facility Associate

Welcome & Outreach

Adam Proffitt

Welcome & Outreach Minister/Area Lead

Vann Barnette

Welcome Minister

Brandon Church

Community Neighbors Minister

Terri Pugsley

Welcome Minister

Kathy Smith

Community Outreach Minister


Nathan Hall

Worship Minister/Area Lead

Josh Buckles

Worship Arts Technical Minister

Adeline Ensley

Worship Resident

Marlee Kastens

Worship Programming Resident

Eric Vines

Worship Production Minister